Philharmoniker 1 troy ounce gouden munt – diverse jaartallen

Philharmoniker 1 troy ounce gouden munt – diverse jaartallen


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The Vienna Philharmonic is the most sought-after European gold coin that also enjoys worldwide popularity as an official investment currency. The golden Vienna Philharmonic was first published on 10 October 1989 by the Austrian Mint. The gold coin is named after the famous Viennese orchestras. The gold coin is a striking success at international level and was named the most successful currency in the world in 1992, 1995, 1996 and 2000.

The Golden Philharmonic Orchestra

The Philharmonic Golden is an investment coin that has been minted by the Austrian mint since 1989. The coin has a purity of 999.9 gold and was initially only marketed as 1 troy ounce and 1/4 troy ounce coin. In 1991 a 1/10 troy ounce coin was added and in 1994 the series was completed with a gold Philharmonic coin of 1/2 troy ounce.

Additional information

Fine weight and weight

Troy Ounce (31.1 grams)

Dimensions of the

37 mm x 2 mm

Purity / The Stop

999.9 / 1000 – 24 Carat

Year of issuance

Various years

The country of origin

Austria and Austria

The Coin House

Muenzesterreich (Austrian Mint)